Using Careberry as a Care Coordinator

Callea Sunderland
December 28, 2023

Working in community care means no two days are the same. Some days can be manic, and I find myself wishing for more hours in the day. Some days are so rewarding it makes me never see myself doing anything else. But across the board, it is a hard industry to work in. Administratively, I need as much time saving as possible, releasing me to focus on delivering high quality care and liaising with my team and clients effectively. If I am tied down in paperwork precious minutes throughout the day are stolen.

Since using Careberry Software I find myself spending less time on administrative tasks. Everything I need to carry out my job efficiently is in one place! I can access everything I need to, no matter where I am. Careberry is on both my phones and laptop as it is cloud based, so I really can access it 24/7 wherever I am! Sometimes I take my laptop to the clients home and fill out the information there and then with the client and client’s family! This is great as it helps me to demonstrate active participation with my clients and know we are all on the same page. 

Having Careberry saves a lot of my time, which I find valuable! The less time I spend on filing out rotas, the more time I have to focus on what is important – carers and client’s satisfaction!   

I can add medication on E-MARs, access live feedback and see clients notes at any time during the day! The transparency of the software is one that it completed underrated, in my opinion. Clients and families can log in and view care plans, medication, carers, reports and so much more with ease. It has substantially reduced the phone calls coming into the office as clients and families with permission can log in and see which carer is coming and when they are due. I have found that the families and clients really appreciate being able to access all the information regarding themselves/loved one. We enable that by keeping them up to date and like myself and my team they can access it anytime and anywhere!

There is great and constant communication between carers and back-office team! Within the section communication I can easily handover and pick up items and even leave a reply to my colleagues. This has been so useful during COVID-19 as we could not all be together.  

Staff files and progression is all-in-one place, easy to keep track of training and sign up our newest teams’ members within minutes. All their essentials are held in one place. This gives them motivation to get tasks completed. The rotas are simple and less time consuming, easy to edit and re-arrange. Staff can make their annual leave requests and can see how many hours they are working, again such a time saving feature!  

Careberry is a system that is priceless to my job. If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to take a look! 

Written By
Callea Sunderland